Safeguarding in the Parish of Radstock with Writhlington (St. Nicholas' Church)

Our Rector is Reverend Ian Rousell on 01761 417664 or

Our Church Wardens are:

Jeannie Egginton-Metters, available on 07572159090

Sally Griffiths, available on 07814636927 or

Sally is also our Parish Safeguarding Officer and is the first person to talk to if you observe or are told about Safeguarding concerns. Talk to Rev'd Ian or Jeannie if you cannot contact Sally.


If you have a concern about a child, young person or adult's safety and well-being:

  • If they are not in immediate danger, discuss your concerns with Sally, Rev'd Ian or Jeannie, who will contact our Diocesan Safeguarding Manager, Ben Goodhind (07834 514842) for advice as soon as possible.
  • If you suspect deliberate injury, or are concerned for a child or adult's immediate safety or they are afraid to return home, contact Children or Adult Services or the Police without delay.

Somerset Children's Social Care  0300 123 2224

North Somerset Children's Social Care  01275 888 808

Bath & North East Somerset Children's Social Care  01225 396 312

Somerset Adult Team  0300 123 2224

North Somerset Care Connect Adult Social Care  01275 888 801

Bath & North East Somerset Adult Care  01225 396 000


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